The novel unfolds Galt's story in a progressive retrospective, with Galt, the son of an Ohio garage mechanic, leaving home at age twelve and beginning college at the fictional Patrick Henry University at age sixteen. There he meets Francisco d'Anconia and Ragnar Danneskjöld, who become his two closest friends. Galt takes a double major in physics and philosophy, and after graduating, he becomes an engineer at the Twentieth Century Motor Company, where he designs a revolutionary new motor powered by ambient static electricity. When the company owner dies and his heirs decide to run the factory by the collectivist maxim, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need", Galt refuses to work there any longer and abandons his motor.
During the main storyline of the book, Galt works from the shadows and secretly influences the world's creative leaders including inventors, artists and businessmen, in an effort to save the best to rebuild a new world away from the collectivist maxim. An intellect who invented a revolutionary motor, a visionary and a leader who assembles the best to create a new world, Galt is the face of disruption of the world order.
who is john galt